Are you looking for a funny and useful mom blog?

Good, you came to the right place!Hi, my name is Chantal Sarkisian and I am a new mom who had a sweet baby boy named Victor in Feb 2013. Join me on this blog to follow my new mommy journey while I am on my maternity leave. I'll ramble quickly about all the random thoughts that go through my head when I am feeding in the middle of the night, or trying to put my son to sleep. I'll also blog about my favourite things, give you helpful tools, and explore activities to do (mostly in the Ottawa region) with kids and maybe some product reviews too! Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy V Day!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! xox

Valentine's Day is such a great time of the year to remember our loved ones. It's a great time to do crafts, baking, flower arrangements, correspondence and buy gifts too. 

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I decided to do a little photo shoot with little man because it had been a while. Enjoy :)

In the background he is destroying the things hanging on the wall!! hahaha

This picture kills me! He's such a little man model.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

P.A.R.T... WHY? Cuz I gotta!

Ok mommas... why do we do this to ourselves?
I am obsessed with parties, and most of all, planning them!

I am in mega party planning mode between V's baptism and birthday... this momma is going in sane!
Not to mention, I plan fundraising events for a living :S

So, I decided to help mommas out there that may need a little help :)

Here are some websites that I'd like to share for ordering supplies:
You don't need to limit yourself to online stores, make sure you visit:

  • Dollarama
  • Michael's
  • Solutions
  • Bulk Burn
  • Party City
  • Prichard
  • Party Mart
  • Cody Party Centre
  • Party Time Rentals
  • Target
  • Walmart
  • Costco
I'll be posting a few articles about helpful tools (like LISTS! I love lists!) to use when planning a party.
Stay tuned :)

Here are some inspirational pictures for party planning and decorating! This was my gorgeous baby shower that was planned by a group of exceptional ladies!

Desert table... yum!

For once, I didn't hate my kitchen :)

A Tifany's theme!

Looks beautiful! A romantic tea party

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Off Road Cooking: Loaded Pancakes

I had no idea what to make for breakfast this morning. Feeling uninspired I checked my Facebook feed and saw a friend who posted a picture of protein pancakes with a fresh fruit coulie! #yum!
I'm not training like her, and I'm feeding a soon to be one year old so, I made some changes. The ingredients here are so easily swappable. I let my off-roading skills guide me!

- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup homo milk (adjust runniness of batter)
- frozen raspberries
- fresh blueberries
- left over banana on my counter
- "some of that good vanilla from Mexico" (the Help)
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of melted butter
- 2 tablespoons of bran/wheat germ
- teaspoon of baking powder 

Mix liquids first, then powders. Whisk everything and ensure consistency is runny. Add in berries and chopped bananas and fold into the batter.

I used butter for my pan, because little man needs his fats!

I love the colours of the berries here. They look so cute just sinking in the batter.
My work station.
My first ever pancake… sizzling away!
Voila! For the final product, I dressed the pancakes with greek yogurt and fresh fruit.
By the way, this is a desert plate, the pancakes are small :) I ate two, which was very filling. 

V ate an entire pancake and really loved it. He's in this throwing-things-off-the-high-chair phase right now, which I'm really working hard on. I need to yell at him when I say "no", otherwise he laughs and thinks it's a game. I also tap his hand lightly so he knows he is being bad.
All that to say, between these smiles, were moments of me yelling at him and him crying.
As is the standard of social media, I decided to share the positive images only :)
Eating by himself. Although he pitched that chunk on the floor seconds after I took this picture.
A happy boy after breakfast!

Have a great foodie Sunday! #superbowl

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Momma friendly burger joint in Ottawa

I answered an ad on the Burgers and Fries Forever Facebook page to volunteer for their photoshoot today. What I got out of it was a great contact for my network and a free delicious burger & fries!
Also, I am probably gonna be famous in Ottawa for showing everyone how I eat a burger like a momma.. in less than 2 minutes with a sloppy face!

Actually, I was sans-bébé and had a fabulous time chatting up my new friend and eating with two hands, without interruptions... and my food was hot! hahaha

When my friend launched Burgers and Fries Forever, I immediately asked him if this place was baby friendly. And to my excitement, he listened to my advice and added a baby changing station in the staff bathroom (neutral zone.. so smart!) and added one high chair in the resto. Now that's catering to mommas! If you feel like keeping your hip self alive and want to go on a mini foodie outing, BFF is the place to go.

The burgers are great, and come in all sorts of interesting combos, from the Mexican to the Indian, there is a burger tailored just for you. You can also custom create your own burger too. They treat fries equally and offer yummy dressed fries. They also pride themselves on  using local ingredients. I love it! I am sold!

Me devouring my 'American' burger
Voici l'Américain! Il est delicieux :) Don't forget the fries,
They are considered "equals" here.
Behind the scenes of the Burgers and Fries Forever (BFF) photoshoot.
I can't wait to see what the pics will look like. I hope I don't regret acting a foo! hahaha

How's your weekend going so far? Please leave your comments below!

Off Road Cooking: fancy style

Sometimes, you just feel like going fancy!
My husband made dinner the other night. Role reversal is such a funny feeling, and let me tell you, I love it!

Because he works every other weekend, he gets weekdays off as well. On Thursday while looking after V, he made dinner, he did groceries, he did laundry. I am in heaven! I also went to yoga after dinner which was the best way to end my evening... Wait, my shower was the awesome part! Thursday nights are my. "Me time" and I highly recommend you  do the same.

This marks the end of our second week back to work, and I think we will be just fine :)

Here's Michael's deadly cedar plank salmon recipe. It's simply amazing!

- minced red onion, garlic and fresh dill
- salt/pepper

Place a nice crust of the mixture on the salmon. Make sure cedar planks have been soaking in water for at least 4 hours. BBQ the salmon, but don't over cook it!

He served it with BBQ portobello mushroom caps (no seasoning) and I sautéed some heirloom carrots with salt pepper, oil and balsamic vinegar... Soooo good!

Hope this inspires your meals this weekend! Don't forget to go fancy!