Are you looking for a funny and useful mom blog?

Good, you came to the right place!Hi, my name is Chantal Sarkisian and I am a new mom who had a sweet baby boy named Victor in Feb 2013. Join me on this blog to follow my new mommy journey while I am on my maternity leave. I'll ramble quickly about all the random thoughts that go through my head when I am feeding in the middle of the night, or trying to put my son to sleep. I'll also blog about my favourite things, give you helpful tools, and explore activities to do (mostly in the Ottawa region) with kids and maybe some product reviews too! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Two too many tantrums

So, it's Victor's birthday in a few weeks, little man is turning two. 

As I sit here for a minute, and take a deep breath in, I wonder if he's ever gonna go to sleep! He's been crying straight for over an hour. Between a poopy diaper and 2 attempts at sneaking out of his room and calling out "Chantal Mama".. I'm at my wits end.
I don't think the terrible twos are about them, I think they are worse for the parents. You almost forget how to take care of a high needs baby. If this was him at 3 months, it would easy breezy. 

For the last year, I've had decent sleep, easy meals, quick diaper changes and pleasant day trips. Say goodbye to this honeymoon before its all over. Everything now comes with a tantrum, tears and terror! 

As much as grandparents can come save you when you need it most, it comes at a high price. Don't be shocked when they become worse when they come home! You'll have to retrain and remold them. That's a lot of work, almost not worth it.

I'm so exhausted I might jump out the window! I just don't know what to do. Scream? Ignore? None of it seems to be working.

Please pray for me tonight.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Nursery School and almost 2

This week, on the coldest and snowiest week of the season, Victor started Nursery School. It's a French educational environment. I am just thrilled that it is so close to home and on my way to work in the mornings. I can't believe how much he has grown in the last year, it's amazing. He is a smart little boy with a vast vocabulary. He loves all motorized things like cars, trucks, tractors, bikes and buses. He can identify almost every letter from the alphabet and tell me a word that starts with that letter. He can count to three, knows his basic colours and knows the first name of every member of his immediate family.

My husband and I dropped V off on Monday morning, so we can get acquainted with Victor. He was very sad, clingy and started to cry. I was so emotional and couldn't hold back the tears. I never worried about Victor that much, ever. He is always with family and I am never worried like that. Of course, when it came time to pick him up he was running around laughing and hugging all the kiddies. How cute. I have this sweet little bear that just has so much love to give. I bet he will be the germy kid though, so I must teach him to stay away from the sick kids!!

Today is day three and he is starting to understand (and revolt) the routine. He is very whiny in the mornings and cries "no" when we leave the house. He gets quiet when I drop him off, but he get acclimatized very easily. By the end of the day, he is happy as a clam and happy to see me! (Not usually the case when he is with his grandparents...)

Overall, the teachers are very impressed with V and tells me he fits in just perfectly. His daily reports are always good and that makes me proud ;)

Have you done the daycare/school routine? Are you anticipating it? What was your experience like? I would love to know!
Victor on his first day of school! Also the first cold snowy day of the year.

Victor getting acquainted with his locker and surroundings. A bit shy at first.
PS- Oh ya, V is turning 2 in 1 month and I have no idea what to do for his birthday :S Any thoughts?