Much like a new mom has the desire to reinvent herself with hair, getting back into your old physic is a huge burden.
Posting your workout on social media sites and using apps like "Nike Run" really help with motivation! |
Not only do you want to wear your old clothes again, but you want to feel good, and you want to look even better! Getting active again after you've had your baby can be difficult. Especially, if it's not something you were used to doing before you got pregnant. But trust me, it's never too late to start!
I was really looking forward to getting back in shape once I had V. About 11 years ago, when I met my husband, I was at my prime: working out, eating well. I looked and felt amazing about my body for the first time. Over the years I gradually gained weight: new car, no more walking or bussing, promotion as a manger at work, no more standing and running around, more stressful life. And of course the "love pounds" that come with a new relationship. Eating out more often and focusing less on me, was my ticket to the vicious weight gain cycle!
I mean in high school, I ate like a cow and was pretty athletic. I was so busy with work and after school programs, I was not preoccupied by my weight and felt great in my skin.
As you get older, the pounds don't come off as easily and your metabolism slows down significantly, your also BUSY! This is where I lost control... Chantal, we're not in high school anymore chicka, time to start working out!
I always loved team sports but detested the thought of working out alone. The idea of going for a run, made me so anxious, especially when I was in army cadets, it still does. I always end up doing an ok job, and it's much less worse than what I had anticipated. I worry to much! In the last few months, I started running, and I'm quite enjoying it! The alone time that I used to dread, is now what I crave!
At about 3 months post pregnancy, I started strollercize ( at boomerang kids) which was a great way to meet moms, get out of the house, get moving and all at my own pace :) no pressure, just support.
In the summer I registered for Fitmom classes, played beach volleyball (4s) and entered a tournament in August.
In September, I joined the Athletic Club, and I'm loving it! I started doing yoga, hot yoga, Zumba, Cycling... You name it!
Aside from the multiple injuries I have endured after having Little man (back pain, tendonitis in shoulder, carpel tunnel in wrists), running has been my savior! It was the only thing I could do that was ok for all my other pains. It's clear that carrying extra weight has a toll on your body, but I'm working on it!
I was careful with my weight, when I got pregnant because I didn't have much weight gain to spare (20 lbs). I was in great shape during my pregnancy from doing 2 workout classes a week (for a pregnancy trial), not to mention made awesome friends too! I lost a lot of my own weight, my face got thinner and my shoulders got more defined. My jackets fit me better than ever! I was stronger too, which is really helpful when the baby comes!
Now that V is here, I need to carefully plan my meals and my workout time. Every second is precious! I'm feeling great these days, fitting into jeans I couldn't wear even before I was pregnant. Luckily, I've been back at my original weight for a long time now, but I'm working at getting to my weight from 11 years ago, when I was at my prime!
There's a sense of motivation now that I can't shake off. I'm going to Mexico in January and hope to look confident in my bikini :)
Weight has always been a touchy subject for me, even though I'm a pretty confident person. I'm working hard at removing my negative stigma associated to exercising and learning to love it!
Most of all, I just want to look good in all my awesome clothes!
Are you a new mom and feeling unmotivated? Have you struggled with weight?
Are you afraid of weight gain during your pregnancy?
Leave your comments below, I'd love nothing more that to support you!