Are you looking for a funny and useful mom blog?

Good, you came to the right place!Hi, my name is Chantal Sarkisian and I am a new mom who had a sweet baby boy named Victor in Feb 2013. Join me on this blog to follow my new mommy journey while I am on my maternity leave. I'll ramble quickly about all the random thoughts that go through my head when I am feeding in the middle of the night, or trying to put my son to sleep. I'll also blog about my favourite things, give you helpful tools, and explore activities to do (mostly in the Ottawa region) with kids and maybe some product reviews too! Thanks for reading!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Momma's night off: Weekend trip to Montreal

After a long trip to Thunder Bay with V and a jam packed Halloween, a little well deserved R&R is just what momma needs!

I'm headed to Montreal for a girls weekend/baby shower. So maybe I can't party hard with my prego bestie, but I sure can sleep in, have my arms to myself and just spend some time with ME! I miss ME :(

I'm on the train now, which is a fantastic way for me to catch up on my blogging :)
Coffee in hand, watching the beautiful farm landscapes out the window, it always reminds me that the train is truly a more civilized way of traveling! I bet people get inspired here all the time :)

If you're nervous about leaving baby and taking some time for yourself. DON'T BE!  You'll drive yourself nuts! The real trick is, leave and don't look back. Don't look at pictures of V like I just did. That will kill you and it's the perfect opportunity for our little friend called "guilt" to set in.

I live by these new words, happy mom, happy baby! When you come back from your time alone, you really feel rejuvenated and you will be more patient and appreciative of your family. I've been really focused on not losing myself since I've become a mom, and it's working for us!

Are you nervous about an upcoming trip? Need some feedback or tips? Please don't be shy and leave your comments below!

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